business organisation

business organisationbusiness organisation
  1. Tianjin Dingshun Arts Culture Media Company Limited is a business organisation , invests and focuses on arts and cultures .


  2. But after the publication of Das Kapital , the term came to describe the system of business organisation which had made the industrial revolution possible .


  3. The disturbing figures come in the annual report on productivity trends from the Conference Board , the global business organisation , which tracks output , employment and hours worked across the world .


  4. He expected to play an active role in management with Mr McDonald , with whom he has worked closely for a decade , participating in reviews of innovation , business organisation and talent development .


  5. Rich countries will struggle to achieve the rises in living standards their citizens think are normal unless they sustain faster increases in economic efficiency , according to a report today from the conference board , the international business organisation .


  6. If history is any guide , the impact of the latest technologies on business organisation is likely to be vast ; it is also likely to be more gradual than the rolling hype of the last decade suggests .


  7. Arts and business , an organisation that helps build partnerships between the arts and business , is launching a training programme , impact unleashed , next year to encourage industry executives to be creative .


  8. The Architecture Vision must be in line with the Business Strategy of the organisation .


  9. She says managers need to articulate clearly , both to individuals and the team , how they are contributing to the results of the business unit or wider organisation .
